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The SANE Blog

CBT and mindfulness for carers

CBT and mindfulness for carers

Being a carer often includes taking on roles and responsibilities to help a loved one in need.

Helping someone with their personal, medical and financial needs can come at a cost, and carers often struggle to find time for themselves. This lack of time and extra responsibilities can result in feelings of anxiety, stress and even depression.

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Carer insight: Living with and loving someone with BPD

Carer insight: Living with and loving someone with BPD

A common call to the SANE Helpline often goes like this:

‘I think my partner, daughter or son has borderline personality disorder (BPD) and I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around them. I love this person, but the situation can be so hurtful. How can I stay and support them, but protect myself as well?’

To help we asked one of our carers, 'Ace', to share his advice for living with and loving someone with BPD. We also asked SANE Help Centre Manager, Suzanne Leckie, to add SANE’s perspective on best practice for carers.

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Do changes to mental health services stress you out?

Do changes to mental health services stress you out?

When politicians announce changes to the services we use it can often make us stressed, worried and anxious.

For some people, it can feel like those most affected by the change are excluded from the decision-making process. And this can add to the fear that one day we’ll discover the vital services we rely on may no longer be available.

But the reality is it can take years for policy ideas to become a reality.

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SANE pioneers: Simon Champ

SANE pioneers: Simon Champ

Simon Champ is a pioneer for the rights of people with mental illness in Australia. He believes that one of these fundamental rights is to be recognised and respected as human beings like anyone else — a simple yet distressingly difficult right to achieve, as the battle against stigma continues to this day.

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SANE pioneers: Barbara Hocking OAM

SANE pioneers: Barbara Hocking OAM

When Barbara Hocking first worked with Marg Leggatt in 1989, she had no idea that six years later she would go on to become the CEO of one of Australia’s leading mental health charities — a role she held for 17 years.

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SANE pioneers: Dr Margaret Leggatt AM

SANE pioneers: Dr Margaret Leggatt AM

Co-founder and patron of SANE

1986 - current

Her eyes sparkling with intelligence and good humour, Marg Leggatt is as full of energy today as she was in the 1980s, when she founded SANE.

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Self-care after someone discloses suicidal thoughts

Self-care after someone discloses suicidal thoughts

There are few things in the world more frightening than hearing that someone is thinking about suicide.

Even when you know you have done everything possible to support them, it’s natural to feel an unsettling sense of preoccupation and responsibility.

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Nine things you need to know before watching Split

Nine things you need to know before watching Split

Imagine watching a film about the mental illness you’ve just been diagnosed with. Now imagine that film paints a picture of violence and danger. It suggests people with your condition are a terrifying threat to society.

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Busting the myths about dissociative identity disorder

Busting the myths about dissociative identity disorder

Hollywood loves to use extreme depictions of mental illness to make movies, and they’re not always concerned with accuracy or sensitivity.

The latest example, Split, portrays a highly stigmatising, inaccurate version of dissociative identity disorder (DID).

So it’s time to counter the myths with some facts.

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Five things people get wrong about BPD

Five things people get wrong about BPD

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a commonly misunderstood condition that carries a lot of stigma. Misconceptions about BPD can stop people seeking treatment and influence the way people with BPD are treated by others.

So what are these common misconceptions? And what facts can we use to correct them?

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