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The SANE Blog

Does menopause affect mental health?


Menopause is a normal transition for women, and every woman will experience menopause differently. 

Some have symptoms that are barely noticeable, while others experience significant changes. In some cases menopause and the reduction of estrogen can impact on someone's mental health or exacerbate a preexisting mental illness.

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What I wish people knew about OCD


Awareness of Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is certainly growing.

The term is now commonplace in the Australian vernacular and characters with the disorder are regularly depicted on television and in the movies.

But do these adjectives, analogies and representations come close to depicting the experiences of people living with the disorder?

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How to look after your mental health this winter


Feel like you've been struck with a case of the winter blues? 

You're not alone. The dark and gloomy winter weather can make us stay indoors, exercise less, be unsociable and eat unhealthily.

Here are six tips from the SANE Help Centre to help you look after your mental health this winter. 

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Ways to unwind and destress when you live with a mental illness


There's a proven relationship between stress and mental illness. It can worsen an episode, or even result in symptoms returning.

A balanced lifestyle and coping strategies can help with the management of stress. But how do you start?

The following suggestions can be implemented right now, or they can form part of an ongoing plan. 

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Busting the myths about anxiety disorders


Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia, on average one in four people will experience the illness at some stage in their life. 

Yet a common myth is that anxiety disorders are rare.

Despite the prevalence there are many myths surrounding anxiety. These myths can create stigma and prevent help seeking. So it's important to know the facts.

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Real life tips for finding a therapist

Real life tips for finding a therapist

Finding the right therapist is a familiar challenge for many people living with mental illness. 

It’s a process that’s often compared to dating. For some it’s straightforward, while for others it can be a struggle to find someone they trust with their deepest thoughts.

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Men’s mental health: how to seek help

Men’s mental health: how to seek help

For many men, asking for help with mental health is a challenge that gets left by the wayside. A lot of men struggle to talk about personal experiences and strong emotions.

We speak to Glen Benton, from On The Line and MensLine Australia for tips on how to help men seek help.

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Men, mates & mental health

Men, mates & mental health

For many men, talking about their mental health can be overwhelming. Who can you trust? When is a good time to bring it up? How much should you divulge?

As part of Men’s Health Week, we asked Glen Benton, from On The Line and MensLine Australia for tips on how men can talk about their mental health with their mates.

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Could it be borderline personality disorder?

Person searching on their smartphone

At SANE we receive many calls from people concerned that a loved one may be displaying symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD). 

It's common for someone concerned about a family member or friend to want to learn as much as possible about BPD and confirm what is happening to their loved one.

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How to stop catastrophising

Person wearing a hood with their hands nervously in front of their face standing outside

Do you make mountains out of molehills? Is it all or nothing? Do you imagine the worst possible outcome for future events?

This type of anxiety is common. It can be debilitating and all encompassing. It can impact your ability to enjoy life, make decisions, or take action.

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