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The SANE Blog

Tips to help you through Christmas


Christmas. It's fast approaching.

For many Christmas is a wonderful day filled with family, friends, gifts, good food and good times. But for some people it can be a challenge.

Services close for the holiday break, health professionals go on vacation and there's a perceived social pressure that demands happiness and participation.

To help you through the coming days we asked people living with mental illness for their tips to survive the Christmas period.

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Is it okay to ignore Christmas?

Is it okay to ignore Christmas?


Is it okay to take the bits of Christmas that work for you and discard the rest?


And is it okay to enjoy the solitude of Christmas Day and indulge yourself without feeling guilty?

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Common questions about schizoaffective disorder


Schizoaffective disorder is a psychiatric condition, combining the symptoms of schizophrenia and mood disorders (bipolar or depression). These symptoms – hallucinations, delusions, psychosis and episodes of mania or depression – can occur together or at different times.

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Three tips for managing loneliness this holiday season

Red Christmas bauble is bright against a black and white leafless Christmas tree

The holidays are a time to connect with our loved ones. But for many people it can feel the opposite. Being separated from family and loved ones – either due to work, loss, or conflict – can make this time of year one of unhappiness and loneliness.

We might feel disconnected from others and feel like nobody really understands us, listens to us, or values our company.

The holidays can be a difficult time if we are feeling like this, but there are simple strategies you can use to help manage feelings of loneliness.

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A day in the life of the SANE Help Centre


The staff who answer the phones at mental health hotlines are at the coalface of the industry, working directly to help people in crisis. 

SANE followed a typical day in our Help Centre, which offers 12,000 hours of free specialist support every year for people affected by complex mental illness.

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What I have learnt, since learning of me


Throughout my life I have been learning ways to be a 'better me', better at managing myself and my health.

These ways are individual and special to me, but may also assist others.

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The mental health benefits of owning a pet


Does owning a pet have a positive impact on your mental health?

It seems research is mixed when it comes to this question and the benefits aren't always black and white. 

So to help shine an anecdotal lived experience light on the issue, we asked our community, 'What are the mental health benefits of owning a pet?'

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If this is a post-schizophrenia world, then who the hell am I?


'Schizophrenia, you have schizophrenia. Shit, schizophrenia, this sounds serious but what is it?' 

At 23 I was still naive, and even though I had been a university student I had not encountered schizophrenia in friends or relatives. I sat bewildered in the psychiatrist's office, perplexed not only by my inner psychotic confusion but wondering what was to become of me.

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Six things psychologists want you to know


What do psychologists want you to know about mental health?

We asked six psychologists, 'What should everyone know about mental health?'. 

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Understanding postnatal psychosis


Postnatal psychosis (also known as postpartum or puerperal psychosis) is a rare condition affecting around 1 or 2 women in every thousand.

It's a serious illness that requires urgent treatment.

Most people know very little about postnatal psychosis so it can come as a shock. It can often occur suddenly without a history of mental illness.

Understanding postnatal psychosis can better prepare families in the event of an episode.

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