Help tackle stigma in the media that affects us all
What is StigmaWatch?
SANE’s StigmaWatch program was established in 1997 to promote responsible reporting of mental ill health and suicide in the Australian media.
We monitor and respond to reports of inaccurate or inappropriate stigmatising media portrayal of mental ill health and suicide.
In line with the Australian Press Council and Mindframe’s reporting guidelines, we work with media professionals across the country to provide constructive feedback and advice on how to responsibly report stories about mental ill health and suicide.
StigmaWatch is funded by Mindframe, an Everymind program through the National Suicide Prevention Leadership and Support Program.

Real life impact of stigma
“When we have weeks where the stigma in the media is so continuous, it’s like a wall. It’s like a wall of noise.”
People affected by complex mental health issues and suicide, their families, and other carers tell their stories and speak out about the impact of stigma on their lives.
Peer Ambassador Cameron talks about his experience in this powerful video.
Addressing stigma in the media
Despite recent advances in awareness and understanding, stigmatising attitudes towards people with mental illness are highly prevalent in Australia and often reinforced by the media.
To celebrate 25 years of important work in stigma reduction, StigmaWatch partnered with the Melbourne Press Club to present a media masterclass on stigma.
Featuring SANE ambassador and media personality Osher Günsberg, SANE CEO Rachel Green, Everymind Director Jaelea Skehan OAM and ABC Medical Reporter Sophie Scott, this 60min session covers what stigma it is, what it does, and how the media can help us to eliminate it.
Report a media item
If you find media coverage that stigmatises mental ill health or irresponsibly reports suicide, you can report the item to StigmaWatch using the form below.
Anyone can report a media item to StigmaWatch. If the coverage is found to breach media reporting guidelines, StigmaWatch will contact the media outlet involved with constructive feedback and advice.
We also want to hear about positive media stories of mental ill health, suicide and AOD. These are stories that can reduce potential harm and enhance community understanding about the issues. By alerting us to these stories we can work with them and further share their stories.
To find out more about media reporting guidelines and the StigmaWatch criteria, see:
StigmaWatch also encourages you to contact the media outlet directly so they can hear firsthand how people are affected by their portrayal of mental ill health and suicide.
All StigmaWatch reports remain anonymous.
If you are having issues submitting your report, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your StigmaWatch concern.
Become a StigmaWatcher

Stigma files
Useful Resources

Need Help?
- Lifeline
13 11 14 - Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467 - SANE Support Services
1800 187 263 - MensLine Australia
1300 78 99 78 - QLIFE for LGBTQI+
1800 184 527
- Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800 - Headspace - ReachOut
Useful Resources

Need Help?
- Lifeline
13 11 14 - Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467 - SANE Support Services
1800 187 263 - MensLine Australia
1300 78 99 78 - QLIFE for LGBTQI+
1800 184 527
- Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800 - Headspace - ReachOut