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SANE partners with the philanthropic community to build increased value, innovation and resourcing for SANE’s programs and services. Together we can help close the gaps in the mental health system, support people living with complex mental health issues in their recovery and reduce stigma.

We are very appreciative of our current philanthropic families, major donors, Private Ancillary Funds, and Trusts and Foundations who give to SANE in support of our vision for a brighter future for people with complex mental health conditions and their families.  

Philanthropic funding provides crucial flexible (unrestricted), capacity-building and project funding. It affords us the security and confidence to dream big. With a steady stream of private funding, SANE can look to expand and deliver innovative services, invest in our people and technology and achieve our goals outlined in our strategic plan to have a greater impact across Australia. 

For a copy of our current prospectus and information regarding how you or your philanthropic entity can support and collaborate with SANE please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SANE Impact Collective  

Our Impact Collective is a dedicated group of committed funders that provide significant multi-year funding to support us to deliver on our ambitious strategy and vision. This critical stable funding enables us to build internal capacity and skills, explore new avenues and rapidly respond to increasing demand for services and support needed in our community 

Flexible (unrestricted) funding from this group helps SANE plan ahead and fund critical areas that SANE would otherwise not be able to support. 

We would like to thank and acknowledge our Impact Collective members: Louise & Martyn Myer Foundation, Handbury Foundation, Channel Foundation, Tony and Janine Burgess, Henry Burger AO and Jenny Burger. 

If you would like to learn more about supporting SANE or join the Impact Collective, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

Additional Info

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  • Category Text: Philanthropic funding provides crucial, flexible, capacity-building and project funding.
Last updated: Tuesday, 05 March 2024 17:33

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