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The SANE Blog

A vision for a journey towards reconciliation

Margaret Tayar

Last Friday was National Sorry Day or National Day of Healing. This day is in memory of ‘The Stolen Generations’ of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, many of whom were forcibly removed from their families to be assimilated into ‘white’ Australian culture.

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Tips for living and working with schizophrenia

Tips for living and working with schizophrenia

Engaging in meaningful work is an important part of many people’s lives, including those living with schizophrenia. Many people with schizophrenia can absolutely find a job and thrive in the workplace, and work across a variety of industries and positions. This is especially the case when they have the right supports in place. 

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Bipolar disorder: No two experiences are the same

IMG_618_20230329-230259_1 Holly, SANE Peer Ambassador

If you've seen people diagnosed with bipolar disorder on the news, or in a movie, you might have an idea of what bipolar disorder involves. But did you know that there are different types of bipolar disorder, and it affects people in different ways? 

This World Bipolar Day (March 30 2023), we’re focusing on the unique experiences of three people living with bipolar disorder – Matt, Holly and Alice. We talked to them about what they think is important for people to know about bipolar disorder. 

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Five myths about social anxiety

Social-Anxiety-Blog-Image_Canva Five myths about social anxiety

If you have social anxiety, you know what it feels like to experience intense anxiety in social situations. It can involve a fear of judgement or embarrassment and can sometimes result in you avoiding social situations altogether.  

While it’s quite common (around 7 per cent of Australians have experienced social anxiety in the past 12 months), there are a lot of myths surrounding it. Debunking these myths is important, so that they don’t create stigma and self-stigma, or prevent people from seeking help.  

Here are five myths about social anxiety – and the facts that prove them wrong.  

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Our Community Counts

_1MB9882 Rachel Green, CEO of SANE

A message from SANE CEO, Rachel Green

I know from personal experience that the second week in September can be tough going.

Don’t get me wrong, I love that there’s so much more awareness and that events like R U OK? and World Suicide Prevention Day have given people the knowledge and confidence to have meaningful conversations about mental health and suicide.

What I find really difficult - and I know many others who feel the same way – is how the prevailing messages shared across this week makes it seem like suicide prevention is a relatively simple, one-off thing.

For people in the complex mental health community, thoughts of suicide can be a regular occurrence. People living with long-term mental illness are significantly more likely to die by suicide than the general public. In some cases, the suicide risk is up to ten times greater.

If you ask someone living with trauma, psychosis or long-term depression if they’ve considered suicide, chances are the answer will be yes.

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Focussing on mental health this Women’s Health Week


The last few decades have seen the world become a better for women and girls but there is still much work to be done when it comes to mental health.

When it comes to women’s health and wellbeing, we’ve come a long way with increased awareness and action addressing some of the main issues that are impacting Australian women and girls.

Unfortunately, one area where we’ve not seen significant positive gains is in mental health.

The recent National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing shows women are more likely to report mental health issues than men. For some conditions such as anxiety, PTSD and disordered eating, women are significantly more impacted, and these concerning statistics extend across women of all ages and all backgrounds.

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Six ways I’m celebrating Pride every day of the year

Six ways I’m celebrating Pride every day of the year

SANE Peer Ambassador Jeanette is celebrating Pride year-round while honouring her mental health.

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Mother's Day: Reflecting on perinatal mental health

Mother's Day: Reflecting on perinatal mental health

Rikki, Content and Communications Coordinator at SANE, writes about her experience of postnatal anxiety and why the mental health system worked for her when so often it doesn't for others.

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Being open about my autism at work


Jessica Kaaden, Director of People and Culture at SANE, writes about the importance of Autism Acceptance and why she is open about her Autistic identity at work.

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I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult - here's what I've learnt

Non-binary adult standing outside looking calm and serious

Like many others, Jynx learned they had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (or ADHD) as an adult. Their new diagnosis and getting connected with others who have ADHD helped them understand they are simply 'wired differently'.

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