What SANE does
Get support
SANE offers connection and community to people with complex mental health issues including trauma. We also support the family and friends who care about them.
Information & resources
The SANE Blog
SANE's online publication, featuring interviews, articles and issues important to people affected by complex mental health issues.
Media Centre
SANE Create
At SANE we believe art and creative expression can help build connection, grow diverse communities and drive social inclusion.
Thriving Communities
A campaign to build social connection and improve outcomes for Australians affected by complex mental health issues.
Mental health at work
Monthly Giving
By making a regular donation you can be an important ongoing part of SANE’s work.
Facts & guides
Our factsheets & guides provide easy-to-read information on complex mental health issues for everyone. Have a look - you can browse, download or send them on to someone who needs them.