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The SANE Blog

What mindfulness app is right for you?

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What mindfulness app is right for you?

There are countless mindfulness apps available for download these days. But finding the right one can be difficult. Anybody can create an app, so the quality varies.

Finding the right mindfulness app depends on your style and personal preferences. Some apps provide guided sessions for specific concerns, while others let you choose and create your own session.

So to help you find the right app for your needs, here are four popular and free mindfulness apps available on iTunes and Google Play. They have been rated for your ease of use and listening.

Enjoy and keep practicing mindfulness!

Smiling Mind

Score: 4.5 / 5

Mindfulness programs from Smiling Mind are designed for people of all ages. The app is very functional and well lay out. It offers a range of options from sport, to eating, to extended meditations for easy listening – however some people may find these activities too prescriptive in nature. The app gives you targets and statistics about your mindfulness practice which keeps you engaged.


Score: 4 / 5

The HeadSpace app takes you through a series of 10 introductory mindfulness meditations featuring animated explanations that are well thought out. However, in order access most of the functionality of the app, you will have to purchase a plan or buy the app outright. If you decide to purchase you won’t be disappointed as the app is very user friendly and has an assortment of sessions designed to enhance anything from relationships, to pregnancy, to sleep.

1Giant Mind

Score: 3.5 / 5

The 1Giant Mind app provides a 12-day step-by-step introduction to mindfulness meditations. It is a great starter app, as it offers information on how to develop a habit of meditation in your life, including the use of a post-practice journal. There are videos and FAQ’s assisting you along the way with common questions. The meditations guided with music, and timers are available. However, practices are not of a targeted nature and may be too general for some.


Score: 3.5 / 5

The Calm app is an American-based app with many features, however most need to be unlocked through a subscription. If you like nature sounds, inspirational quotes and calm visuals this app is for you. Choose another app if you want the kids to get involved. You can keep your statistics with the eye-catching platform and listen to target stress-busting sessions.

Jordan Whitehead is the founder of MindfulgymMindfulwaves and is a Registered Psychologist.

More to read . . .

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