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If someone is at immediate risk, call 000 or visit your nearest hospital.

Witnessing someone's suicide attempt, or supporting them afterwards, can be extremely distressing.

For more information on how to get support and look after yourself, see our factsheet: Traumatic events.

What's on this page

You are not alone includes a number of links to other sites that provide additional information about the practical and emotional needs you may have as a carer. In addition to these, the following resources have been used to provide context and clarity:

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2018, 2017 Causes of Death, Australia, cat. no. 3303.0, ABS, Canberra, pp.1–9

Australian Commission on Safety and quality in health Care (2018) Australian Charter of Health Care Rights, 2nd edition. Retrieved from

Hancock, N., Smith-Merry, J., Jessup, G. & Wayland, S. (2018). Understanding the ups and downs of living well: the voices of people experiencing early mental health recovery. BMC Psychiatry 18, 121 (2018) doi:10.1186/s12888-018-1703-1

Krysinska K, Batterham PJ, Tye M, (2016) Best strategies for reducing the suicide rate in Australia. Aust NZ Journal of Psychiatry. 50(2):115-118.

Page A, Atkinson J, Heffernan M, Hickie I. (2017) A decision-support tool to inform Australian strategies for preventing suicide and suicidal behaviour. Public Health Research & Practice.; 27(2):1-7.

Suicide Prevention Australia (2019) Turning points: Imagining a world without suicide. Retrieved from

Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (2017) Suicide risk assessment. Retrieved from

Victorian Department of Social Services (2019) Looking after yourself. Retrieved from