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The SANE Blog

How to connect when you feel alone

Person standing in dark room looking out window
Despite the world's population growing rapidly, many of us feel lonelier than ever. The drive to connect with others and forge meaningful social relationships is an essential part of what makes us human. From a neurobiological perspective, we are wired for connection.   However, loneliness in Australia is an issue. A 2018 survey by the Au...
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What you need to know about relapse in bipolar disorder

david-marcu-unsplash-1700x115_20180913-042550_1 Bipolar affects more people than you think.

Bipolar disorder causes people to experience intense mood swings – from manic highs to depressive lows. Not everyone experiences bipolar the same way, however, it is estimated that at least 75 per cent of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder will relapse, even when following a treatment plan. 

In bipolar disorder, a relapse is defined as the return of depression or a manic or hypomanic episode after a period of wellness. Sometimes it is possible to predict a relapse; often it is not. For many, the onset of a relapse seems to come out of the blue.

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DID and sleep (or lack of it)


I always thought that after a few nights lying awake, sleep would eventually come. It would be the only option left. I thought staying awake repeatedly would mean the body and mind would crave sleep.

But it doesn't work like that. Something chronic insomniacs know all too well.

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How did receiving a diagnosis affect you?


It can be a shock, or it can be a relief. It can be accurate, or it can be incorrect. It can be sought, or it can be forced upon you. It can open the door to better mental health, or it can represent the start of a long hard struggle.

Just like the symptoms of mental illness, everybody's response to a diagnosis is unique.

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What's the biggest challenge people with mental illness face?


What's the biggest day-to-day challenge people living with mental illness experience?

We asked 10 SANE Peer Ambassadors for the biggest challenge, fear or obstacle they face.

And they said their biggest challenge is . . .

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Six things psychologists want you to know


What do psychologists want you to know about mental health?

We asked six psychologists, 'What should everyone know about mental health?'. 

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How online friends can aid your recovery


For people who are socially isolated, online forums and support services can be a great way to encourage tangible changes in daily life. Often, making friends online can be a stepping stone to reaching out and making friends in the offline world. 

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Coping with flashbacks

A foggy night

Remembering the past is important. It defines who we are. But sometimes the process of storing an experience as a memory can go awry.

These memory disturbances can present later in life where the event is relived in the form of a flashback.

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Real life tips for finding a therapist

Real life tips for finding a therapist

Finding the right therapist is a familiar challenge for many people living with mental illness. 

It’s a process that’s often compared to dating. For some it’s straightforward, while for others it can be a struggle to find someone they trust with their deepest thoughts.

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How to stop catastrophising

Person wearing a hood with their hands nervously in front of their face standing outside

Do you make mountains out of molehills? Is it all or nothing? Do you imagine the worst possible outcome for future events?

This type of anxiety is common. It can be debilitating and all encompassing. It can impact your ability to enjoy life, make decisions, or take action.

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