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Digital Navigation Project

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A national approach to digitally navigating Australia’s health service system for all help-seekers.

SANE is leading a new collaborative project to review how Australians find help for their mental health across the service system, and to identify new digital solutions to improve navigation across the spectrum of the mental health service system nationwide.

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Digital Navigation Project Survey

This is an exciting project funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Health and Aged Care which SANE is leading in conjunction with a diverse consortium of 16 partner organisations. We will be collaborating across the sector to improve access to supports that meet the needs and preferences for help seekers and their family and carers.

This initiative represents a critical step in transforming the mental health service system to ensure accessible, high-quality health care for all Australians.

What are the goals of this project?

Digital mental health platforms, services and technology hold great promise for addressing existing barriers to accessing traditional mental health services and supports and overcoming the challenges help seekers face accessing the right information and support at the right time.

This project sets out to answer the question: What are the digital solutions that will best support help seekers to find mental health services and support, and navigate the mental health system in Australia?

Our approach is based on understanding what help seekers need and making sure what we design can improve navigation within a fragmented system, reduce duplicated effort, inappropriate referrals and delays accessing support.

Photo of Draius, Rachel and Krista
Presentation at launch
Photo of Luke
People at Digital Navigation Launch
Photo of Julie and Rachel
People at Digital Navigation Launch two

Lived Experience-Led, participatory design and sector consultation

SANE and consortium members are engaging a wide range of sector organisations during this project to ensure we have understood and heard their perspectives and ideas relating to this important problem, and that solutions and recommendations are built with a strong understanding of diversity and help seekers in mind. Our approach includes engagement with those who have first-hand experience seeking help for themselves, someone they care about or support in a professional capacity to navigate the system.

SANE-Led Consortium

The SANE-led consortium brings expertise and commitment from a group of leading Australian mental health organisations and academics to develop digitally enabled service navigation options to address these challenges.

SANE is partnering with a diverse group of partner organisations to deliver the project which includes Butterfly Foundation, Community Mental Health Australia, Flourish Australia, Kids Helpline, LGBTIQ Health, Lived Experience Australia, Mind, Nous Group, One Door, Outcome Health, Phoenix Australia, Thirrili, University of Melbourne and Victorian Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing.

If you would like to contact us about the Digital Navigation Project, please email our project team on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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