
Father’s Day can impact different people in different ways. For some it’s a happy time, for others it may create difficult emotions or memories. 

SANE Team Member Matt not only plays an important role helping to support people with complex mental health conditions. He’s also navigating being a Dad to 3-week-old Matilda and Marty, 2 years of age. 

SANE share’s Matt’s story this Father’s Day 2023 to highlight the importance of life balance in managing individual and family wellbeing. 

Between his role supporting SANE services (counselling, forums, peer support and guided personalised services) Matt directly contributes to improving the lives of many people facing mental health challenges. But his most important job is being a Dad. 

Matt provides unconditional love to his children and wife Brenda. He recognises too the importance of accepting help in all forms to support individual and family wellbeing. 

Navigating sleeplessness with the pressures of a newborn, a toddler, financial commitments and limited support, means the family very much appreciate the benefits of SANE’s flexible work options and the importance placed on work life balance. 

Matt is committed to fatherhood. Balancing work and his own wellbeing, he says, requires collaboration and being willing to ask for support if needed. 

“In these first weeks with (newborn) Tilly, shared understanding and unwavering support have been everything. Every child brings a unique journey, and facing it together makes all the difference,” he say ,” he says. 

Matt chooses to work flexible hours to enable him to do childcare collection, arrive home early and cook dinner. It also means he spends less time commuting. He recognises that he’s one of the lucky ones with access to flexible work practises and a supportive partner.  

“Being there for significant moments, like my son's appointments, is invaluable. Fatherhood is about more than just being present; it's about guiding, safeguarding, and always being there as a reassuring presence. The flexibility offered by SANE greatly enhances both my personal wellbeing and the quality time I can spend with my family.”.’ 

SANE supports Dads and families on Father’s Day and every day. Visit our website more info on our services.