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Peer support

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Peer support is mental health support based on shared experiences of dealing with mental health challenges. Also, it’s a relationship of respect that can help you feel understood. That's why SANE has a range of options to connect you with someone who really gets it. For anyone dealing with mental health concerns as well as family, friends and carers.

Two people sitting with laptops, one person is smiling, another is pointing at their screen

Peer Group Chat

Share with others affected by complex mental health issues while chatting on a relevant topic. Groups are safe, anonymous, and run by trained peer support workers.

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Person wearing headphones pats dog while looking at their laptop


The SANE online forums are full of people who want to connect. They understand because they’ve been there too. Plus, it’s anonymous, so you can say what’s really going on.

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Three women and one man with a top knot, sitting in a cafe chatting over coffee

Peer Guide Program

SANE’s Peer Guide Program is an exciting new initative funded by the Department of Social Services – Strong and Resilient Communities (SARC). The aim of this program is to support people living with complex mental health concerns to access pathways designed to support their journey towards employment and training in the Peer Support Workforce.

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If you need immediate support and can’t reach us, contact the services below. In an emergency contact 000. 

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