A person reads the newspaper looking troubled

A disaster or some other upsetting global event can dominate our thoughts and feelings, our private and public conversations, our homes and workplaces. And with 24/7 news just a click or tap away, it’s very easy to become overwhelmed.

So how do we cope with upsetting information in the news?

While everyone has their own ways of managing stressful news events, they tend to fall under three basic human needs: control, connection and comfort.


One of the most distressing aspects of a negative global event is that it’s out of our control. To restore your sense of control, you could:


Distress can be isolating — we can get wrapped up in our thoughts and feelings. To make and maintain meaningful connections:


It’s okay to need soothing, and to actively seek it out. To find calm:

Everyone needs to feel control, connection as shocking events unfold. Find it for yourself and, if you can, offer it to the people around you.

Finally, if you’re still struggling to cope in the face of upsetting news events, or for any reason, reach out for help. 

Chat online with a supportive, anonymous community on our Forums. They're safe and available 24/7. 


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