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Personal health

Personal health: SANE Peer Ambassador, Finn

Just like healthy eating, staying on top of other aspects of your health is critical and can play a role in improving your mental wellbeing. This includes making time to meet with health care professionals, ensuring you stay active, and reducing stress.

Booking healthcare appointments

Apps like HealthEngine (iOS and android) let you look for the health services that meet your needs by allowing you to tailor your searches by adding filters – for example, location, services offered, and bulk-billing options – to your search terms, so you can only see relevant services providers. You can also book and manage your appointments directly though HealthEngine.

Oral health

Caring for your mouth is also important for your wellbeing. Brushing your teeth twice a day, once in the morning before you eat and once at night before bed, will ensure teeth and gums stay healthy and clean. Use an app like Dental Hygiene (iOS and android) to help keep on track.

If possible, have yearly check-ups with your dentist to keep on top of any issues. You can access free dental care at a number of locations across Australia with a concession card. Priority access is available if you are registered with mental health and disability services with a letter of recommendation from their case manager or a special developmental school. Follow the links below to find out more in your state:

Physical activity

Keeping fit is another important practice for maintaining health and wellbeing. Sometimes it can be difficult to make time for exercise when you’re feeling down, anxious or overwhelmed. Set small, realistic goals, and find exercise you enjoy to overcome low energy.

If you are looking to try new things and meet new people, download the ClassPass app (iOS and android) to find free fitness classes near you. Alternatively, consider joining a walking group in your local area here. If you prefer to exercise at home, free fitness apps such as Sworkit (iOS and android), Nike Training Club (iOS and android) or 8fit (iOS and android) might be useful.

Personal hygiene

Another central aspect of good health and wellbeing is keeping up with personal hygiene. Try to shower once every two to three days, though you may need to do so more frequently if you live in a hot ot humid climate, or are active throughout the day. Wash your hands regularly throughout the day with soap and warm water, and cleanse your face once a day in the evening to wash away the makeup, grime and excess oil.

Sanitary products

Accessing products such as pads and tampons can be difficult at times. Although most retailers have now cut the tax on sanitary items, they are still an expensive monthly necessity for many people.

There are a couple of nationwide organisations doing some good work in this space. The Period Project provide packs to people in need at certain locations throughout Australia. Share the Dignity have gone so far as installing #Pinkbox Diginity Vending Machines across the country amongst other initiatives– you can find the locations here.

This Personal health page may be freely downloaded, copied and distributed on condition no change is made to the contents. SANE is not responsible for any actions taken as a result of information or opinions contained in this article.